Saturday, April 27, 2019

Lets Tidy up your Recruitment Process

Finding an exclusive gem can be a tedious and pricey affair. While you invest your time in creating job requirements, let us do the research in finding the right candidates for you.

Many candidates have entrusted us as their career advisors; our resource pool includes wide spectrum of profiles spanning from top leadership positions to aspirants right out of college. All our candidates are pre-screened by us on basis of their merit and aptitude.

Do let us know of your current openings and we will be glad to assist you. Visit us at to drop your query or write to us on

Monday, April 15, 2019

Benefits of Financial Planning

  Why should I go for financial planning? How can it benefit me? I am anyway investing whatever I can - what else can I do? These questions may arise in your mind. Get the answers here.

(1) Makes you more organized


Financial planning requires you to gather all your financial info in one place. This exercise itself becomes an eye-opener for many and becomes the first step towards a better and organized financial life.
(2) Gives a comprehensive view
You must have played or seen others playing jigsaw puzzle game. Many different pieces of a single picture are scattered all over in the game and you are supposed to put everything in its proper place to form a picture. Financial planning does this for you. It helps you to see the complete picture made from pieces of your financial life.
(3) Helps you in setting up goals
It is an age-old saying that when you write something, chances of forgetting that is less. Similarly, when you write your financial goals in required format, it gives you more clarity and objectivity. Now you know – why you will require something, how much you will be requiring and when you will require. Life’s critical goals cannot be and should not be drawn in vague.
(4) Puts purpose before action
We often make investments or take insurance cover at random. We do not have any specific goal in mind. Financial planning, when links our existing assets or future investments with some or other financial goals – it puts purpose behind our every action. When strategy is in place, product follows – not the vice versa.
(5) Asset allocation made easy
Not life’s all goals are similar. Some are short term, others can be medium term or long term goals. Investments need to be planned and assets need to be chosen accordingly. Also, a long-term goal does not always remain long term. When a goal is nearby we need to tweak its asset allocation so that we achieve the goal smoothly and without any last moment surprise.
(6) Risks are measured
If risks are not handled properly, everything else can fall short. Financial plan in its entirety addresses all possible risks with life, health, assets and emergency. It first helps you to measure the risk and then get the right cover for you.
(7) Monitoring and reviewing
When every asset is linked to some or other goal, monitoring their performance becomes easier as now you know exactly what return is expected from what investment. Review of financial goals and insurance is equally important. With changes in income, expenses, priorities and risks – many a times we see that our goalpost itself gets shifted. Financial plan helps us to track such changes early and take necessary timely actions.

Interview Questions for Business Analyst

Q. Define exceptions?
An abnormal error or results that occurred in an application.

Q. What according to you are the major problems that a business can face in the present time?
Businesses are becoming more and more challenging in the present time. This is mainly because there are a lot of problems and issues they need to deal with to overcome the gap between the clients and the products. The main issue is finding the target audience. Marketing advertisements and campaigns doesn’t let businesses get the desired outcome when they lack. In addition to this, there can be problems in the quality. Moreover anything that is enhancing the gap between a customer and an organization is nothing but the problems businesses usually face

Q. Do you think different businesses models can create a challenge for the Business Analyst?
Well, it all depends on the credentials and skills of a professional in this domain. Although different businesses adopt different models that can highly impact the methods and other strategies, there are scenarios which are common among the different models that organizations are adopting these days. 

Q. What according to you is the biggest problem a newly established business can face?
Recognition in the market is something that is important. In the time when the competition is already there in every sector and there are major game players who have established themselves in the market needs to be competitive only through the strategies that are innovative. Also, business with new establishments generally doesn’t have access to the technology?

Q. As a business Analyst, what would be your first strategy that you will opt when it comes to solving the problems?
A business analysis should have a one supreme quality and i.e. the ability to lead a team and thus leadership matters a lot than anything else. The good technical knowledge about the domain also largely matters. In addition to this, the effective communication with others also eliminates a lot of barrier for the businesses.

Q. What according to you is the principle of solving problems that is related to a business?
Nothing matters more than patience. One of the common sayings is Rome was not build in a day. Thus, dedication and patience probably find an effective solution to a problem. A business analyst must know about this. 

Q. Do you think IT plays an important role in the Business Analysis?
Of course, in the present time, everything is based on technology and without the same; it is not possible for the businesses to get the best out of their investment. There are several technology tools that are helpful in this domain and businesses should pay close attention to them and make sure those handling analysis tasks must have access to the same. 

Q. What is the significance of reporting in the Business Analysis according to you?
Reporting is the base of every action taken that can affect business. It simply let the others pay close attention to the facts that needs to be strengthening for enabling the businesses keep up the pace. Because Analysis is a task that actually aims to find the best solutions to the issues a business is genera rating, there is always a need to explain the problems first and their causes. Reporting always make sure that businesses can get the best out from the efforts with the help of reporting. 

Q. Do you think that a Business Analyst should have technical knowledge?
The Business Analyst has to access a lot of technology to find the solutions to the problems concerned to the business. It is not always possible for them to depend on the other resources or employees for accessing the same. Thus, they must have god knowledge about the same. If a business analyst is from IT background, there is nothing wrong to say that innovative solutions to the problems can also be assured by the organizations. 

Q. Suppose you are helping a department in the organizations and at the same time, the problems arrived in another department? Would you leave the current task to solve the problem of latter?
It all depends on the nature of the problem, its priority and who is involved in the issue. Sometime the department is directly report the management and other deal with the production. Of course both matters and can create confusion for the analyst; it would always be good for the professional to be clear with the priorities. 

Q. Can document assessment be a part of Business analysis?
It is one of the very important parts of the same. This is because the documents are the prime source of information for any professional dealing with the problem. The best part is documents can sometime provide information about the actions taken when the last time similar problems were arrived. It can be judged that whether the same strategies work again or they will impose a challenge. 

Q. How can you categorize the problems that are mainly related with a business?
The problems can be classified into following
1. Employees- Issues
2. Technology-related problems
3. Lack of access to the resources
4. Outdated Business systems/policies
5. Business model errors

Q. What according to you is the best strategy to solve a problem?
Well, first of all it is assured whether the same problem declared its presence in the past or it’s the first time the business is facing the challenge. If the problem is new, a close eye to be kept on the actions taken by the other businesses that faced it recently. Of course, this can derive a lot of useful information about the best possible actions that can be taken in a very reliable manner. The problem should completely be analysis and assured that it wouldn’t transform itself in the shortest possible time. The advice from the team also largely matters. 

Q. Who is a Business Developer according to you?
A Business developer is a professional who work hard to let the organization identify their exact needs as well as the opportunities. He/she is also responsible in deciding the best available opportunities for the business and taking all the moral decisions associated with the same.

Q. Can you tell something about the Business Model analysis?
It is basically an approach that is useful for enabling the businesses or the experts to define the policies bounding an organization and the market approaches that are common for the business.

Q. What is the significance of Process Design?
Process design is something that largely matters in a business aiming to analyze all the challenges to find an effective solution. It is an approach that simply let them standardize the workflows that largely matters. Boosting the same can simply boost the quality and businesses can make sure that they can get the desired outcome in the shortest possible time. 

Q. Name any two documents that are directly related to a use case?
These are System Design Document and Functional Design Document. Both of these documents simply help the Business Analyst to make sure of superior outcomes without compromising with anything 

Q. How well can you explain the System Analysis in a business?
It is nothing but a simple process of interpretation of the business needs and all the rules imposed by the management for the use of technical systems. The restrictions and the boundations largely matters and businesses should pay very close attention to the same
Q. As a Business Analyst, what are your views on inter-organization migration of employees?
Well, sometime the problems declare their presence because of no other reason than no proper resources. In the current time, most of the members of a business workforce have good technical knowledge. Even employees have interest to work with other departments in some cases. Migrating the employees from one department to another is generally not common but is can solve a very large number of business problem if this is managed by team of experts. The Business Analysts often perform this task to get the best possible outcome. 

Q. Can you analyze the financial problems a business is facing?
The answer could be yes if you are from financial background. Otherwise you tell whatever you knowledge about the finance management and the strategies if you have any knowledge about the same. 

Q. What would be the prime aim of Businesses to hire Business Analysts according to you?
Well, a business analyst is experts who generally work to enable the organization improve the quality of products/services they are offering. Generally a Business Analyst find the root cause of the problems a business is facing and how they can be avoided in the shortest possible time. 

Q. Do you think a Business analyst should be engaged in testing and integrating of new solutions?
Of course, this is because a businesses analyst has the right knowledge about the challenges associated with most of the tasks. Very useful information can be driven and the testing procedures can be made more useful. In addition to this, a business analyst can simply guide an organization on what better can be done in a solution while it is under a test.

Q. What according to you are the basic needs of a Business Analyst to accomplish his/her task
A Business Analyst can have some basic requirements and they can be
1. Availability of the case scenarios
2. Access to logical data models
3. Data flow diagrams of the problems
4. Reports
5. Work Instructions 

Q. Why participating in the Implementation of anything in a business is important for the Business analysts?
The Business Analysts have to work on various domains and have to derive the best possible solutions against the problems associated. Taking part in implementation of the tasks simply let them know more about their jobs. There are actually a lot of problems that can be seen when the practical implementation of any policy, task, strategy or a business activity. The Analyst can provide guidance in solving the problems and can gain more knowledge that can help them in future.

Q. What does UML stands for?
It means Unified Modeling Language

Q. Can a Business Analyst help in the development of Training material?
Yes, a Business Analyst can simply help and this is because they have a lot of knowledge about training the employees as they need to engage themselves most of the time with problem solving.

Q. How a project manager can be compared to a Business analyst?
A Project Manager is responsible for building and accomplishment of a project for an organization while on the other hand a Business Analyst can let the business know about the various pros and cons associated with the actual implementation of the same. A Business Analyst can help project managers in making their outcome supreme and free from all the errors. 

Q. What does KPI stands for?
It stands for Key Performance Indicator

Q. Do you think a Business Analyst would be good in finding information from an unstructured data?
This is something that largely matters for a BA as the best solutions to a problem can be anywhere. Dealing with such a data may take time, but a professional can come out with the best possible solutions to the problems. Therefore a BA should be good in this

Q. What is the difference between post-implementation and pre-implementation problems of a project? What is the role of a BA in managing them both?
The problems that declare their presence before a project is actually executed or implemented are known as pre-implementation problems while the ones that comes after the implementation of same are post-implementation problems. Well, most of the problems come after the implementation of a project. A good Business Analyst cannot overcome them all but can impose a limit on the same. In fact a BA always work to make sure that both the pre and post-implementation problems can be avoided upto a great extent within the minimum possible time.

Q. What does INVEST stands for?
It simply means Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, properly sized and Testable. It defines the ability of a problem actually.

Q. What are extends, define them?
<> are the activities that occurs in any use case.

Q. Name the documents usefyl in use cases?
1.    Functional Requirement Document i.e., FRD
2.    System Design Document i.e., SDD

Q. Business Analyst Vs Business Analysis 
We can define Business Analysis a methodology that executed by the Business Analyst.

Q. What do you mean an INVEST?
INVEST --> I stands for Independent, N stands for Negotiable, V stands for Valuable, E stands for Estimable, S stands for Sized Appropriately, T stands for Testable. It helps in assisting the project managers as well as technical team to distribute quality products / services.

Q. What do you mean by SaaS?
SaaS - Software As A Service in cloud computing. Unlike other softwares no need to install on your system. But one thing you need to have is an Web Browser with Internet connection to use it.

Q. What is Pugh Matrix?
Pugh Matrix - Helps to decide the most optimal & alternate product solutions. As this technique is a standard line of Six Sigma technique, it is known as design matrix / problem
Q. FMEA in Business Analysis?
FMEA - Failure Mode & Effects Analysis. Helps for failure analysis, used for product development, operations management & system engineering. This analysis helps in figuring out distinct failure modes in any system and their severity.

Q. JAD stands for?
JAD: Joint Application Development.

Q. SOA Modeling – How SOA design is changing
Standard SOA practices are certainly useful (and often very practical), but what about making it even easier for the technology to reach out and creatively address specific business problems and/or concerns as they arise? What about giving users the ability to use SOA in a more creative manner? It’s really about analyzing where potential successes lie and then creating computing-based solutions (very often in a software environment these days).
SOA modeling is simply another step in the SOA journey; an advancement in approach to business.
Previous methodologies for developing SOA models might have put too much strain on certain individuals in ways that might have been unrealistic or completely foreign to them.
A classic scenario might involve managing tasks between a software designer / architect and a lead business analyst, for example.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

How to Ace an Interview

Interview is all about selling yourself. Take a moment and think what makes you buy a “good” product? It could be brand, quality, packaging, budget; mostly all of them. This is exactly how an interviewer analyses you; if you are an alumnus of the college you can boast about you are already branded but of course, the expectations from you will be fairly high as compared to others. Others graduating from tier two colleges, the pressure on you is no less, as you need to build a brand of your own.

Your credential speaks for you, but a good attire creates that first good Impression that can help you initiate the sail for an incredible voyage. By all means quality matters; your interviewer will be looking at you for knowledge, expertise, confidence, patience and agility so, it is crucial of what you say and how you say. You need to exhibit you are best in trait and for this you will need to work on yourself to become impeccable for that D-day.

Here are few reminders that can help you pep up for a good interview:

1. Do your Homework

It is always good to be prepared rather than welcome the unexpected. An inside scoop about the company and its domain can be of great advantage. You should be well versed with company’s website; make yourself aware of their leadership positions, present net worth, social media posts and recent press releases. You should understand company’s mission and vision; this will give you an insight of how you can fit in their work culture and contribute to their growth.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

2. Understand Job Description & Practice

A thorough analysis of the job description can be your success mantra. Take a detailed tour of the given job profile, try to read between the lines, this will give you a fair idea of what is expected from you. Make a note of all the possible questions that you think can be asked in the interview.
You can visit blogs that can help you to prepare for the most asked technical and aptitude questions. A good idea is to see your LinkedIn connections and see if you have a connection from the same company, you can ask them for the type of questions that are being asked in the interview. You may now have enough matter in bits and pieces that can help you create your own story. Make sure you have answer to all the questions noted. Don’t be overconfident, practice all the questions till the time you get it right even the nth time.

“Don’t practice until you get it Right. Practice until you can’t get it Wrong!”

3. Relax

Nervousness can be your biggest enemy of crucial times; you can confuse even with the easiest question. Deep breathing can help you relax and stay focused. Remember a stress interview is not personal it is just a tact to check how you react under stress. Never get aggravated by the interviewer remarks, maintain your cool and be patient.

“Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So, Relax!”

4. Stay positive

Expect the best but be prepared for the worst. It is time to remind yourself of your achievements and accomplishments; the reason you are there is because you deserve it. Be confident and maintain your composure. You have done enough homework and practice to get selected!

“Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay. Rather, it is knowing that YOU will be okay no matter how things turn out.”

5. Be on Time

Punctuality counts! Being on time shows how keen you are to get the job. It will also give you ample time to relax and prepare yourself for the interview. If you need to travel long distance to reach the  venue, it is advice-able to reach at least half and hour before your interview slot so that  you have time to freshen up and do a quick touch up. Even if you have your telephonic or a Skype interview make sure you make yourself available minutes before the interview starts.

“Punctuality is not about being on time; it’s basically about respecting your own commitments.”

6. First Impression Counts

A poor presentation of food can not only reduce your appetite but also stops you from tasting the tastiest delicacy. A good packaging helps you to gain the needed attention. It is advisable to have a formal dressing for the interview. Try to avoid loud colors that can overdo your look. Wear clothes that are properly pressed and make you comfortable. Never forget your shoes, make sure to wear shoes that are clean and not worn out. A clean shave and proper hairdo also add to your impeccable appearance. Wear minimum or no jewelry. Overall a prim and proper dressing makes you look sincere and accountable.

“You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

7. Your Introduction

A brief introduction or walk through the resume is usually the first ice breaking question; and you CANNOT go wrong with it. These sixty seconds can determine how the interview will progress. Your introduction should include your name, place of birth and education, work experience starting from your current job, educational background (you can keep it brief by mentioning your highest qualification) and your family background. Be prepared with your skill sets, achievements, strength and weakness; you may include the same if you are given adequate time. Your introduction may include few open-ended responses, those could be your next set of questions, so be prepared with all their answers. Remember with every response you give you should be able to show how keen you are to take up this job and how you can be the right fit!

“It’s not just about being better. It’s about being different. You need to give people a reason to choose YOU.”

8. Stay focused

Any distraction during the interview can cost you the job at hand. Be attentive, listen keenly to the interviewer before you answer. Don’t beat around the bush; include only those points that are required. Don’t forget to switch off your cell phone before you enter the interviewer’s cabin. Your poised response will exhibit your agility and knowledge.

“Focus on the possibilities for success, not on the potential for failure.”

9. Be Confident

There is a very thin line between confidence and over confidence, so ensure you respect the line and be only confident. There is absolutely no scope for being under confident, prepare yourself well for it. It might be your first, second, third…..tenth interview but there is a high possibility that your interviewer might have interviewed  hundreds of candidates before you, so he is far more smarter and experienced than you think. It is easy for an interviewer to asses your confidence through your body language, facial gesture and your responses; so be alert and be yourself.

“Confidence isn’t walking into a room thinking you are better than everyone, it’s walking in not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.”

10. Be Honest

Being honest is the easiest thing you can do. There is no harm in accepting you don’t know because you don’t know! One lie leads to another; the chain continues and ultimately can lead you to a pretty tight situation with no escape. Do not misrepresent facts and figures as it will cause more harm than benefit in the long run. People respect people who are accountable for their actions, so be honest.

“If you want to be trusted be honest.”

11. Your Question

Don’t shy away from asking questions but also ensure you ask the most relevant ones. Usually at the end of the interview you get to ask questions of your choice; make the most of this opportunity. Prepare questions in advance for which you would like to seek clarification. The question can be around your job profile, your carrier path, any specific grants being offered. Do not ask questions the answers of which are most obvious or can be found on their website, this can only make you look ignorant.

“Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question.”


Congratulations!! If you made it through. If you could not sail through, do not regret as it was probably not your best day.  It will be wise to sit down and remind yourself of what could have gone wrong so that you can work on your mistakes. Your hard work will never go unrecognized, so just keep doing the good work.

If there are queries you think have not been answered through the above post; write to us at and we will try our best to get the best answers for you.

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